Damien Steiger

Paul Grinnell

PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS MA in Mathematics, University of Oxford. Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries RESPONSIBILITIES AND EXPERIENCE Paul started his actuarial career in the UK with Bacon & Woodrow (now part of Aon Hewitt). He then worked for Mercer in the UK before transferring to Switzerland. Paul has over 20 years’ experience of consulting on […]

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Christophe Steiger

PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS : MBA in actuarial sciences, qualified pension expert OAK/CHS, Actuary SAA RESPONSIBILITIES AND EXPERIENCE :Christophe has an MBA in actuarial sciences. He worked for one year as a software engineer and then 5 years in a highly reputed actuarial consulting firm. He then has been independent, as a consulting actuary, for 15 years.

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